Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Manifesto Responce and Changes

The response to my manifesto went better than I thought it would. I get really nervous when I have to read anything out loud for others to hear. As we were going over others manifestos I kept seeing stuff in mine that I needed to change cause I thought if read out loud it wouldn't make any sense. Finally I felt confident in what I wanted to say and as I read it out loud, I felt as if I had a really good idea that I was working up towards. Ironically this expression was also felt by the teacher I believe as well. Saying it out loud helped me understand it for myself and I could also see where I needed to work on parts of it. I need to rewrite my manifesto so it is in my own point of view instead of the separation between the director's and the audience's. I don't feel that I made it apparent that in my manifesto that when I spoke of the director and the audience that I was actually speaking about myself. I need to push myself further and find a way to put into words exactly how I want my manifestos because I really do feel like I have something here to work with and put passion into. Now that I see what I want to do more clearly, I would like to not only rewrite my manifesto, but also my essay. As it is right now, my essay doesn't follow along with my manifesto. My first chore will be attacking a new manifesto, and then taking a different approach to my essay and re plan how I would like my audience to see and feel what they are watching. I want to change my essay in a few ways. The first way that I know of at the moment is by placing the viewer into my own memory. The viewer being placed in my own shoes will help them feel what I feel about that memory.

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