Thursday, January 29, 2009

Meshes in the Afternoon - Responce

Watching this film I tried to place together a puzzle of what was going on.  I really loved some of the scene effects they did.  The first scene I liked alot was how in the beginning you could just see her shadow on the wall , her hands , and feet.  I felt a dreamy effect when she was chasing the mirrored face image.  She would be seen running chasing the figure, yet the figure just walked. She could never catch up to the figure no matter how fast she ran.  A common dream sequence we have at some point or another.  Another part that really popped out for me is when each of her foot steps were steps onto another terrain.  I think it went from wet sand, to a pile of sand, to grass.  Also another dream effect was used where she seemed to be floating around the room, her body seemed weightless.  I felt she had issues with the guy, almost like he was the cause of her pain, always seeing him watching her from a mirror.  The figure had a mirrored face which to me may have been a image of death? Almost as if you would look into the face of death and she saw herself.

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