Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Idea # 3

I just got this idea while sitting in class and thinking about what I had said about my manifesto. I dont know if anyone will see this idea but if you do i would love to hear some comments back on it.

I want to film myself observing a public space. As I observe the space I zone in on certain people and watch them. I wonder what it would be like to be those people. As I go about my day I continue doing this.

I watch my teachers teach class and wonder how it would be if I was teaching the class

Scene: I'm watching a teacher and then suddenly my imagination puts me in her place teaching the class... the camera comes back to my face showing that I'm day dreaming about this. Some how I would like to be wearing the same outfit as the teacher was wearing, but only on me it would be bigger cause of the difference in body weight. I really think this would make the scene even stronger that I'm imagining this.

I walk home and observe a homeless person.. their clothing dirty and miss matched. I wonder and fear what it would be like to be homeless.

Scene: I am the homeless person now, doing what they were doing. Im also in the same clothing. The best part about this is I can share the clothing with the actor, since baggy clothing is a norm. for the homeless.

I would have to think up some more ideas but I think this would be a fun film to make and actually enjoy putting myself in the action.


  1. Out of the three, I like ideas one and two the most.Are there any other specific people you will mimic in your movie? Do any of these people have some kind of significance to the main character or idea being expressed to the audience?

  2. This idea would be even stronger if you could somehow put the viewer in your perspective as well. By becoming your daydream, the viewer identifies with your thoughts and your daydream becomes that much more real to the viewer. The relationship between viewer and subject is strengthened. I believe adding shots from your point of view would succeed in conveying this.

  3. yeah, i feel like putting the viewer in your perspective would make this more interesting, but it might also make it more confusing. This film seems like it has potential to be really slow. As interesting as people watching is for the person doing the watching, it may not be as interesting for an audience to watch. Plus, it will get difficult to catch people acting "normal" because they will get weird as soon as the camera is on them, and they may or may not notice you. I feel like there are a lot of things that could go wrong with this film, mostly because you aren't in control of most of it. But then again, that could be really great, you could get some really amazing shots, it's just a bit scary.

  4. I think this is a great idea, but only works if you have total control of the situation. I.e. your "homeless" guy is an actor and you have the same costume, and likewise the same costume as your teacher. I also think this idea needs a narrative stronger than "I went to class and on the way home I ran into a homeless dude" to carry it. Make the different encounters relate to each other or maybe teach a lesson (ala It's A Wonderful Life style sequences).

  5. This may be an interesting idea but seems a little to freaky friday to me. I really liked your idea of the dude waiting to go on the date. I think that seems a little more witty and humorous. If you wanted to do this "taking the place of others" idea, it may be better pushed harder if the characters were slightly more bizarre. You should also stray away from providing the suspected. Come up with a way to surprise the viewer. for example, after you make the switch-eroo with one character, I'm going to predict what will happen with the other characters.

  6. i agree with Nic, it would be difficult to pull all of these transformations off, unless you have completely accurate wardrobe arrangements, but a good idea nonetheless. The idea for the guy waiting at the door on his date is also very intriguing, and could be extended in length i think. This would not only increase the number of preparations and reactions to his nervousness, but also it would elevate the level of akwardness he is experiencing, just waiting for that door to open, which leads us to questions about "why hasn't she answered the door? Is she having second thoughts? Did she trip and fall on the way to the door? I mean, any number of possibilities can crop up in a longer span of time, and i think that would be beneficial on so many levels.

  7. I don't know if it's necessary to have to make a transformation so to speak. I see a lot of other people are stressing wardrobe changes and such but with the right editing, you could make it seem like your character has changed positions without all that extra mess. Just be careful in your planning. I see that you want to do clothes changes but I wonder if it's necessary. That part is up to you I suppose. For some reason I do want to see a moral in all this. I have no idea why but it just seems the scenarios you've set up are trying to teach your character something. You definitely have some good scenarios but you need to think it out further and push it further.
