The suggestions were great, actually they better explain what I had meant to say for this film. "Breaking down" isn't a good phrase to explain what my guy on his date will do. What I would like to capture is a nervousness that the guy will face before picking up his date. As he waits at the door for her , we see his inner reactions become real to us the audience. This will be a very short film for sure. I would probably estimate it being under a min. I'll have 3-4 "nerve acting" reactions in between the clips of him waiting for his date to come to the door.
action 1: He stands up straight and hops slightly, looking up with his arms held together behind his back. Camera position shoots him from the ground up. He will mutter a short phrase, something like "I hope I don't look stupid"
action 2: He then starts passing back and forth on the porch, pretending to rehearse his greeting to her. " oh you look great tonight!" " is that a new dress?... no " " Hey how are you I'm Jeff.... god no!"
action 3: He Leans against the post and crys pathetically like a big baby... (very short action scene)
action 4: He holds his hand over his mouth to test his breath.
In the end the door opens and the girl greets him, taking his arm and they walk down the pathway of the house. He looks cool and calm as if he was never nervous from the beginning.
What I plan to do is filming the entire scene of him picking up the girl and then shoot the small actions that will be sliced in later on the computer. This way we have the illusion that he really does stay calm but we are shown segments of his nervousness on the inside. This should be scenes that only the audience is allowed to view. In real life he doesn't appear to be nervous.